Immanuel UCC

Mobile | Redesign | Prototype

Immanuel United Church of Christ is a local church in a town in southern Wisconsin. They've been a part of the community since being founded 1882.

I volunteer as a design contractor on the church's responsive website. I also keep the website up-to-date on links and event information. I redesigned the website in April 2018 and continue to maintain the site today.

While the website has always had good information, it was previously cluttered and uneasy to follow. Important information was difficult to find and the site was generally unwelcoming from it’s outdated look.

There was also a lack of congruency in the design elements including various font styles and sizes, differing buttons and call to action styles, and responsiveness was clunky and difficult to use.



I started by taking an inventory of the site's content and figuring out the key information site visitors are looking for.

  • Sermon times
  • Information about the church, including beliefs and history
  • Contact details like phone number and email
  • Member links

I started the branding process by conducting research into the church as well as other local churches, as well as internal consultations. Some key words used in describing the church's values were faith, honesty, and community. These values drove the identity created.

Immanuel UCC Logo

Typography selected focused on simplicity and legibility. The simple sans-serif style of Avenir balances sleek with useful.


To convey the values of the church, a gentle blue-green with lower saturation was selected as the primary color. This invokes a trustworthy, healthy, dependable emotion.

Color Palette

Immanuel UCC now has a fully responsive and welcoming informational website. Whether church members are looking for important links, or new visitors are looking for service times, it is easy to navigate.

Final Design Check Out the Site