Big Foot Golf Range

Web Design

Big Foot Golf Range is a boutique golf driving range located in Southeastern Wisconsin. They provide an delightful ambience and experience for golfers of every level to practice their skills.

Big Foot Golf Range changed ownership at the start of 2018. I worked as a design contractor to design and develop their responsive website.

Working with management, we started by defining the key elements that their website should highlight:

  • Hours of operation
  • Costs
  • Contact information & location
  • The company's roots in the community

As we began collecting these details and analyzing the various pieces of content and ideas, I started working through different analyses including competitive analyses and user flows.

Content progress continued and I began building the company’s brand, specifically their visual brand: defining typefaces; color palette; and creating a distinct wordmark.

Big Foot Golf Range Branding

Bringing all of the pieces together, I started developing design solutions. I worked through wireframes and iterations until the final design was approved and released. Using Wordpress, I was able to bring the Big Foot Golf Range’s site to life.

Now that the Big Foot Golf Range has a functioning website that provides local and seasonal customers, they can focus on their prime customer service.

Big Foot Golf Range Final Design