Floify, LLC

UX/UI Designer

Floify is an industry-leading mortgage point-of-sale solution. Our software provides a highly customizable and powerful platform for companies, loan officers, and their borrowers. From a secure document portal to automated communication, the entirety of the loan process is simplified with Floify.

As the sole UX/UI Designer and a member of the product team, I contribute daily to the company's product success. From the start of a project, whether a feature request or improvement, to the end I am engaged with sales, success, support, and engineering teams to help our customers and end-users succeed. I work directly with the CEO and product manager, director of engineering, and director of sales. Some of my responsibilities include:

  • Gathering requirements and expectations
  • Workflows and user journeys
  • Design iterations, presentation
  • Managing feature requests and sprint planning
  • User and end-user research

Example Project: Loan Application

The loan application is a vital part of the mortgage process. It is the first interaction a borrower has with the broken as well as the application process. Since Floify's inception in 2014, customers and potential customers have provided feedback on Floify’s 1003 loan application. A recurring input was with the general outdated design and not-intuitive navigation of the application. Customers wanted an application that matched modern design with more structure, interactive, and interview-style copy.

Floify responded to these requests and comments by embarking on a 5 month design and development project to overhaul the application and provide users the application of their dreams. We gathered information, scoped the task, and evaluated our options. On May 1, 2018, Floify’s Apply Now 2.0 went live.

Problem: Losing sales and customers to competition due to an outdated 1003 application.
Solution: A new, modern, 1003.

Discussed with LOs, discussed with borrowers, competitive analysis, user journey, site mapping, content analysis

  • Discussions with LOs, borrowers, and our sales and support teams to define project requirements
  • Used a competitive analysis
  • Wrote user journeys
  • Site mapping
  • Content analysis

Before going into wireframining, I set up times to discuss branding with the internal stakeholders. Floify did not have a set brand guide to work from, so I worked with these team members to decide typography, language, the default color palette, and graphics style.

Color Palette

Low fidelity wireframes helped lay the groundwork, including general layout and feel and navigation. They were periodically presented to the interal product council as well as customers. As feedback was receive and reviewed, iterations were made.

Through the design we brought forward not only a modern design, but a versatile design for our application to represent the customer and not just Floify.

The final design included over 180 screens to completely layout the flow and execution of the application. As the design was refined and finalized, the development team got to work on both frontend and backend.

The building process of the new and improved 1003 application was a dance of coordinating a new framework, implementing responsive design, and understanding how the application should progress. With steady and consistent work effort, the application was ready to go live on May 1.

Before shipping the feature, I ran training sessions with each of our internal teams. I made sure that teammates were comfortable with the application, that their questions were answered, that they understood how to troubleshoot, and who to go to if they still had any issues.

In our initial release as well as prior to shipping, Floify presented the working/in-progress application to many customers to gather some important feedback. All customers were impressed and satisfied by the design and functionality as well as features slated to come later in the year. We continued to rollout features and improve bugs and satisfaction from customers grew and support tickets slowed. Sales continued to find success in presenting the new application to prospects.
The initial release of the new loan application was close on the heels of development timeline, so when the product went live the product team was on deck to watch closely for issues. Bugs were gathered internally, prioritizing function over form, as well as gathered from external sources including both our company customers and the actual borrowers.

Access to Floify's 1003 loan application requires an account, however, you can see some of the designs from that project and other projects with the links below to Floify's marketing site and blog.

Read the Blog: Floify's Loan Application
Read the Blog: New, Responsive Loan Dashboard