Baltusrol Golf Club

Information Architecture & UX Design

Baltusrol Golf Club is one of the premier golf clubs in the United States. Located just outside of New York City, it is home to the "Dual Courses" where 17 major and amateur championships have taken place. Historic golf moments have been made at this top-tier club such as Jack Nicklaus' dramatic 1967 win over Arnold Palmer.

ZEBRADOG was brought on to help highlight the club's rich heritage by reimagining a few key spaces in the clubhouse. Among our objectives was the design and development of a large-scale interactive digital display. This completely custom, signature installation would allow members to explore each hole of the two courses, discover details of the players and championships hosted at the club, and connect with the stories and legacies of the Baltusrol Golf Club.

As an integral member of this project team, I was involved from start to finish. From initial concepting, to defining the information architecture, to handling and managing all content, to designing and refining the interactive interface. Every step of the way, myself and my team were passionate about giving our client a product that delivered on their goals of creating a timeless, unique storytelling tool.

Baltusrol Golf Club
Baltusrol Golf Club
Baltusrol Golf Club
Baltusrol Golf Club

The success of our work has earned Baltusrol the number 1 private club locker room for 2021 by Club+Resort Business magazine.
But key among our success metrics is ongoing club member use and easy management for Baltusrol staff, both of which continue to be met. Hear what their team had to say in ZEBRADOG's Baltusrol Golf Club project video.